We turned around and I called Vicky Prince's husband so we could find our way to her house. As we drove back by the school, there he was standing in the driveway to receive us. Adorable, darling man. MariaElena was there, Vicky was flying in from Houston that night. Soon, here came Nacho, the baby brother. I remember changing his diaper. He is a "facilitator" Exactly Like His Dad. He made some calls and off we went. Same guard dude, same workers. In like Flynt. I felt bad as the guard dude took some ribbing. Oh well.
Here is our house. It was bigger then.
As you can see, they have taken out all the windows and doors and cabinets. They are refurbishing them. Even tiling over this:
Presidente Calderon came to inaugurate the new plant. When he came to review the thing, they toured him on the one completed house. The house of Richard Mills.
Vicky's husband is a chef and fixed us dinner. Went home to our hotel, be it ever so humble and got up the next morning to have breakfast with them. Took a tour of the school. Was a fun experience as you can see by these.
The kids were great, wearing the same uniforms we wore. La directora has kept a good historical record of the school, pics I will upload later.
Now it is 930pm, we have to get up at 5:30am to fly home tomorrow. Hope to see you soon!
xo xoxo