Tuesday, May 5, 2015

We had some uninvited "guests".

A couple of weekends ago, we woke up to discover someone came on to our property in the night and stole some tools out of our bodega.  Our four prong response plan was to 1) start locking the dang oubuilding doors 2) get motion detector lights 3)get a guard dog 4) pour concrete aprons under the gates

In addition, there have been many minor changes:  I am no longer allowed to do the queen wave as we go through town as it interferes with Evdad's glower.  We don't leave the house, even to scurry down for a fish taco on the plaza, without locking it all down.  We no longer can let the neighborhood boys in to find their own soccer balls and marbles.  We padlock the front gate.  We each have a heavy wad of keys in our pockets at all times.  I have to pay attention to where my purse is in the house and whether or not I've locked the car.  It all amounts to a big PITA.

The police response was underwhelming.  They sent a couple of twelve year olds dressed in black body armor.  I caught them whacking each other in the stomach with their assault rifles as they walked up the driveway.  I asked them if they weren't going to take a report.  One jogged down to the truck and got a spiral notebook left over from the third grade and took copious notes: my name and age.

We went to town and filed a formal "denuncia" with the state but nothing has happened. I had full blown crying break down in the office of the President of Ixtlahuacan's  but nothing has happened. So from this, I think we can conclude, nothing is going to happen.

I feel bad for Evdad, it was mostly his motorcycle tools that were stolen.  He has had some of those tools for 40 years or longer.  Every time he goes to get a socket or tire pressure gage and can't find it, we get re-traumatized all over again.

We got gutters made for the house and the boys are taking up the interior patio to get it repaired before the rainy season starts.

Life goes on.  I'm married to a hoss.

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